BlackBird Capital

Focusing on quantitatively driven investment and trading strategies

BlackBird Capital is a cryptocurrency focused fund that takes advantage of trends in volatility and utilizes quantitative analytics to focus on relative value mispricings to provide consistent returns.

We currently have three divisions under management, each with different strategies and separate goals.

With exposure to the emerging cryptocurrency market, investors of BlackBird Capital are in a unique position to take advantage of new and exciting opportunities.

Our Divisions


The Macro division utilizes fundamental analysis to find and take advantage of long-term trends & mispricings in the cryptocurrency market through a handful of different portfolios:

  • Relative Value

  • Fixed Income

  • Algorithmic Trading


The Derivative division combines quantitative analysis with core fundamentals to generate profit from minute-to-minute market opportunities. With leverage being used at its discretion, the division takes a more opportunistic approach to investing and is oftentimes used to hedge volatility from the Macro division.


The Alternative division is the smallest and most speculative of the three. Its main focus is to invest in new developments in the crypto and blockchain industry. This includes investing in up-and-coming cryptocurrency projects, NFTs, or other less-liquid opportunities. With this goal, we can capitalize on the next biggest trend within the space.

2021 Returns


2021 Return


Sharpe Ratio
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October 1st, 2021

Funding round for Q4 2021 goes live.

October - December 2021

Interested investors can schedule a one on one meeting with the senior team to discuss financials, investment amounts, and historical performance.

December 14th , 2021

Fund officially closes to new investors.

January 1st, 2022

Funding round ends; new capital is deployed and allocated for use.

Interested in becoming an investor?